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Predicted Costs

Learn how to add predicted costs for the most accurate profit tracking

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Written by BeProfit Team
Updated over a week ago

With Predicted Cost, you can have a more accurate understanding of your shop's net sales in real time to make better business decisions.

BeProfit support 2 types of predicted costs:

  1. Predicted Returns - Returns typically happen 1-4 weeks after the purchase, predict the returns costs to not inflate your profits!

  2. Predicted Amazon Fees - Amazon fees usually get reported 2-3 weeks after the orders were processed. Predict these fees to not underestimate your profit.

Predicted Returns

Setting up predicted return costs allows you to estimate your costs before actual refunds occur, giving you a more accurate picture of your shop's net sales at all times. This feature is available for all users and can be easily set up in your account settings.

  1. Navigate to Settings ➡️ Costs ➡️ Returns Setting and Predictions.

  2. Make sure the Count refunds by order date calculation preference is turned on.

  3. Select the number return days based on your shop's return policy.

  4. Set a predicted cost percentage for each day.

  5. Click Save.

Predicted Cost will then estimate the percentage of the cost for each day based on your defined settings.

Example: If you set the Predicted Cost to 10% on Day 1 since order and 7% on Day 2 since order, it means that for every new order, 10% of the order value will be attributed to returns on the first day, 7% for the second day, and so on and defined.

Note : Once the actual refund data becomes available, the Predicted Cost will seamlessly replace the estimated percentages with real values. This means you'll always have the most accurate information about your shop's net sales.

Predicted Amazon Fees

Setting up predicted return costs allows you to estimate your costs before actual Amazon fees are reported , giving you a more accurate picture of your shop's net sales at all times.

  1. Navigate to Settings ➡️ Costs ➡️ Calculation Preferences.

  2. Scroll to the Amazon Fees Preferences section.

  3. Enable Count fees by order date.

  4. Set a percentage for predicted fees.

  5. Click Save.

Note : Once the actual Amazon Fees data becomes available, the Predicted Fee will seamlessly replace the estimated percentages with real values. This means you'll always have the most accurate information about your shop's net sales.

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