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All CollectionsOrders Profit
Track Each Order's Profit
Track Each Order's Profit

Spot your most and least profitable orders in real time including all costs components

BeProfit Team avatar
Written by BeProfit Team
Updated over a week ago

Your orders page is the central hub where all of your orders' data can be found, including all costs and your profit per order!

Insider tip: some amounts have further breakdowns available. Hover on these amounts for more info : Paid, Shipping Costs, Net Shipping, Tax, Processing Fees, Gross Profit

Search, Filter and Export your orders

  • Use the Export button to download a CSV file for your own record keeping

  • Insert an order id into the search box on the right to locate a specific order

  • Click on the Filters option to focus on orders from specific customers, sources, fulfillment status and more.


View Orders Line Item Costs

To see which products included in each order, along with per-product costs like COGS and Tax, click the arrow on the left of the selected order

Edit Single Order Costs

  1. Navigate to Orders

  2. Click the arrow on the 3 dotted menu on the right of the selected order

    1. Choose Edit order Costs : update item COGS, Shipping cost, Handling fee, Duties, Tax and more

    2. Choose Edit Processing Fees : update the processing fees

View Orders UTM Data

  1. Navigate to Orders

  2. Click the arrow on the 3 dotted menu on the right of the selected order

  3. Choose Customer Journey Info to view order's UTM data

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