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All CollectionsCalculation Preferences
Setting up Calculation Preferences
Setting up Calculation Preferences

Learn how to tailor the caclulations in the app to match your preferences

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Written by BeProfit Team
Updated over a week ago

Empower your reporting capabilities by customizing your calculation preferences, and tailoring the app to align with your business needs.

This article guides you through the process of adjusting the calculation preferences and what each one affects

Adjust Calculation Preferences

  1. Navigate to Settings ➡️ Costs ➡️ Calculation Preferences

  2. Adjust the Yes/No toggle buttons to the right of the different preference settings however you prefer

  3. Click Save when you're done

Explanations of each preference setting:

  1. Exclude pending orders from revenue - If set to "Yes," pending orders will not get counted as revenue. If set to "No," they will.

  2. Exclude unfulfilled orders from revenue - If set to "Yes," Unfulfilled orders will not get counted as revenue. If set to "No," they will.

  3. Exclude canceled orders - If set to "Yes," canceled orders will not be included in calculations. If set to "No," they will be included.

  4. Exclude free ($0) orders - If set to "Yes," free ($0) orders will not be counted in calculations. If set to "No," they will be included.

  5. Include orders from specific sources - If set to "Yes," orders from specific sources will be included in calculations.

  6. Include orders from specific sales channels - If set to "Yes," orders from specific sales channels will be included in calculations.

  7. Exclude fraud orders - If set to "Yes," fraud orders will not be included in calculations. If set to "No," they will be included.

  8. Exclude unfulfilled orders when refunded - If set to "Yes," refunded and unfulfilled orders will not be included in calculations. If set to "No," they will be included.

  9. Set Predicted returns cost - This setting allows you to establish a predicted cost for returns. Adjustments will be made accordingly once the actual refunds are processed.

  10. Exclude COGS from all fully refunded orders - If set to "Yes," the cost of goods sold (COGS) will be excluded from calculations for fully refunded orders. If set to "No," they will be included.

  11. Allocate shipping costs into products gross profit - This setting allocates shipping costs into the product profit calculation.

    You will have the option to select how these costs are allocated, based on portions of the product's weight or quantity of the order.

  12. Allocate marketing costs into products - This setting allocates marketing costs into the product profit calculation.

    You will have the option to select how these costs are allocated, based on portions of the product's selling price of the order or spread evenly across all products in the order.

  13. Apply marketing costs to new customers orders only (CAC) or all orders (CPA) - This setting determines whether marketing costs are applied to orders from new customers only (CAC) or to all orders (CPA). When CAC is selected returning customer orders will get $0 marketing costs

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