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Products Returns
BeProfit Team avatar
Written by BeProfit Team
Updated over a week ago

Products Returns Analytics provides valuable insights into the performance of the various products sold that were returned to your shop.

View your returned products by types, vendors and in different date ranges

  1. Navigate to Products

  2. Click Product Returns

The information shown will reflect the selected Date Range and grouping (Product, Vendor, Type) at the top of the page.

You can also search for specific products.

View your products Return Rates

  1. Navigate to Products

  2. Click Product Returns

Return Rate will reflect the percentage of items returned by customers compared to the total number of items sold. It measures the frequency of returns relative to sales volume.

The Return Rate is calculated using the following formula:

Return Rate = Returned Units / Unit Count *100

Returns Amount Rate will reflect the percentage of the total sales revenue that is generated from returned items. It measures the financial impact of returns on the overall revenue.

The Returns Amount Rate is calculated using the following formula:

Returns Amount Rate = Total Sales / Total Sales * 100

You can click on each of theses metrics to sort the table by ascending/descending values.

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