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Product Cost/COGS sync from Shopify
Product Cost/COGS sync from Shopify

Automatically synchronize and update COGS data between Shopify and BeProfit

BeProfit Team avatar
Written by BeProfit Team
Updated over a week ago

When the BeProfit app is initially installed on a Shopify shop, it automatically retrieves the COGS data for each product and variant.

Unless the COGS are manually updated within BeProfit, through a COGS profile, or via integration, BeProfit will consistently fetch the COGS from Shopify.

Any subsequent changes made to the COGS in Shopify will be reflected in BeProfit, ensuring that the COGS data remains synchronized between the two platforms. This seamless integration simplifies products costs management and ensures accurate financial tracking for Shopify merchants using BeProfit.

⚠️COGS update on Shopify will update all past orders, and future orders.

If there's a need to resync the COGS from Shopify, please contact support.

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