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Fulfillment profiles in BeProfit

Learn about Fulfillment profiles and how they work in BeProfit

BeProfit Team avatar
Written by BeProfit Team
Updated over a week ago

If your fulfillment costs fluctuate based on order price, weight, item quantity, and more, Fulfillment profiles can be implemented to apply the accurate costs per order based on these variables.

The role of fulfillment profiles within the BeProfit app is to assist in calculating your fulfillment costs, representing what you as a merchant, pay for fulfillment services.

Fulfillment costs typically relate to individual orders, making the orders page the optimal location for reviewing the applied fulfillment costs.

To gain insight into the disparity between what you charge your customers for shipping and the actual cost of fulfilling the order, consider:

  1. Navigate to Orders page

  2. Locate the order you want to review

  3. Hover over the Shipping Cost amount, you will view the profile name applied

  4. Hover over the Net Shipping amount which will allow you to view the shipping amount you charged your customer versus the amount you pay as a merchant for Shipping

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