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Automated currency conversion for seamless data alignment with BeProfit

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Written by BeProfit Team
Updated over a week ago

With BeProfit, you'll never have to manually convert currencies again!

We automatically convert any currencies that don't match your shop's main currency, so you can keep your data aligned easily.

Where multiple currencies are supported:

  • Multi-shop dashboard - With this feature, you can display information from multiple stores in one aggregated dashboard. If not all stores use the same currency, the multi-shop dashboard will automatically convert all data into USD.

  • Ad spend - You don't have to set up your ad platform's ad spend in the same currency as your store. BeProfit will display your ad spend in your store's currency.* You can view the original currency of your ad spend on the dashboard's marketing section by hovering over the platform ad spend amount.

  • Custom expenses and revenue -

    • You can add expenses and revenue in currencies other than your shop's. Select any currency when setting up an expense, and the amount will be converted in the dashboard when presenting your total custom expenses and revenue.

    • When comparing shops with different currencies, you can select between viewing your shops in their original currencies or covert all to USD.

⚠️The total row will always be displayed in USD.

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