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Attribute UTMs Manually

Learn how to verify your UTM attribution rules and fully match them manually

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Written by BeProfit Team
Updated over a week ago

This article guides you through the process of verifying the auto-attribution process or manually attributing UTM groups, ensuring an accurate performance reporting of all your marketing entities.

BeProfit automatically attributes UTMs to the corresponding ad, campaign, or source on your advertising platform. In instances where UTMs partially match, we provide partial attribution, and for those that don't match at all, they remain unattributed.

You can review, update and even create new attribution rules - giving you the flexibility to make any necessary adjustments with ease.

UTM Groups

Navigate to Settings ➡️ Costs ➡️ UTM attribution

Each UTM group in the list consists of different UTM parameters combinations defined within a particular URL. The UTM Groups in the list have 3 statuses : Attributed, Verify, Attribute.

  • Attributed - Fully attributed UTM group.

  • Verify - Partially attributed UTM group.

  • Attribute - Unattributed UTM group.

Adjust fully or partially attributed UTM groups

  1. Click on Verify, Attributed or Attribute on the UTM group in the list.

  2. Select the traffic source that applies to the UTM group.

Attribute to SMS, Email and more

  1. Choose Other

  2. Select the medium and click Save.

Attribute to certain ad platform

  1. Choose Ad Spend

  2. Select the ad platform that applies to the UTM group.

  3. Select the ad entity that applies to each entity type in the UTM group.

    ⚠️Note : This process starts with the narrowest entity type possible, as if you’re able to match it, we’ll automatically attribute the wider types to save you time and effort (e.g. if you’re able to match a specific Ad, we’ll auto-attribute its corresponding Ad Set and Campaign).

    In case you’re unable to match the narrowest entity type, choose This UTM group doesn’t match any [entity type name]’; then, we’ll suggest a wider entity type for you to try and match. This process repeats all the way up to the campaign level, and in case you can’t match any entity type, simply click ‘Save’ and the UTM group will be attributed solely to the ad platform you selected.

  4. Click Save

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